Emerge with Spring - Support your Purpose
This meditation guides your attention along the liver channel embedded within your body. The liver belongs to the spring season, a time to grow toward the sun. By moving with the liver’s current, you connect with the visions of your life, what you want to create and how to make that happen.
If you’d like to go deeper with the meditation, consider these two options:
Before you listen, visualize a tree that you cherish. Visualize the roots, the soil it sits in, the trunk, the trunk’s texture and the trunk’s shape, the shape of the branches, and the leaves. Then listen to the meditation.
Listen to the meditation under a tree that you love.
This meditation guides your attention along the liver channel embedded within your body. The liver belongs to the spring season, a time to grow toward the sun. By moving with the liver’s current, you connect with the visions of your life, what you want to create and how to make that happen.
If you’d like to go deeper with the meditation, consider these two options:
Before you listen, visualize a tree that you cherish. Visualize the roots, the soil it sits in, the trunk, the trunk’s texture and the trunk’s shape, the shape of the branches, and the leaves. Then listen to the meditation.
Listen to the meditation under a tree that you love.
Offering Rest
With your breath, I will guide your attention along the kidney channel embedded within your body. The kidneys belong to the winter season, a time to rest and repair. By moving with the kidney’s current, you connect with rest and your body’s inherent ability to heal.
With your breath, I will guide your attention along the kidney channel embedded within your body. The kidneys belong to the winter season, a time to rest and repair. By moving with the kidney’s current, you connect with rest and your body’s inherent ability to heal.
Create a comfortable environment for yourself to lie down, in which you feel held, supported, and warm.
Duration: 15 minutes
This is a meditation supports returning to your center when feel pulled in many directions and/or experiencing many harsh emotions. Starlight activates the boundaries of your electromagnetic field, creating a powerful circle of safety and healing. The spiral creates a sacred space for connection, protection, renewal, and resolve.
Duration: 5 minutes
This is a meditation supports returning to your center when feel pulled in many directions and/or experiencing many harsh emotions. Starlight activates the boundaries of your electromagnetic field, creating a powerful circle of safety and healing. The spiral creates a sacred space for connection, protection, renewal, and resolve.
Use this meditation to:
Establish balance when feeling off-balance.
Establish safety and protection.
Maintain boundaries during chaos, conflict, or draining situations.
Create a sacred space.
Enhance focus and clarity.
Duration: 5 minutes
*Starlight is adapted from a meditation written in Subtle Energy Work by Synthia Andrews.
On Letting Go
In this meditation I guide you through the lung and large intestine channels. They belong to the fall season and grief. This meditation connects you with the path of autumn embedded within your body. It supports ushering out what you are letting go of and invites in the spaciousness needed for the unknown to begin.
In this meditation I guide you through the lung and large intestine channels. They belong to the fall season and grief. This meditation connects you with the path of autumn embedded within your body. It supports ushering out what you are letting go of and invites in the spaciousness needed for the unknown to begin.
Allow yourself to drift away and even nap during the meditation. Consider writing 5 to 10 minutes about what you explored and discovered afterward
Revel in change, allow yourself to release, and open yourself to potential.
Duration: 20 minutes
Your Body's Soil
Your Body’s Soil is a meditation to facilitate the digestive function.
In Chinese medicine, the spleen and stomach systems govern how our body receives and transforms what we eat, drink, and breathe into nutrients. They transport the nutrients to every cell.
The stomach, spleen, and intestines are our body’s soil. The soil is a substrate through which life is received and given.
Your Body’s Soil is a meditation to facilitate the digestive function.
In Chinese medicine, the spleen and stomach systems govern how our body receives and transforms what we eat, drink, and breathe into nutrients. They transport the nutrients to every cell.
The stomach, spleen, and intestines are our body’s soil. The soil is a substrate through which life is received and given.
Duration: 6 minutes
Your Heart's Illumination
This meditation guides you through the heart channel to connect with your heart’s illumination.
Duration: 8 minutes
This meditation guides you through the heart channel to connect with your heart’s illumination.
Duration: 8 minutes
Summer Flowers
This is a walking meditation to let go of your concerns and engage in creativity through flowers.
This is a walking meditation.
While I was taking an evening walk on the Burke Gilman Trail, the sunlight was shining on my face. I felt relief from my day's concerns. I watched the leaves move in a soft breeze through the light's reflections. I felt inspired to create a meditation. So, I improvised a meditation in my phone, which led me to flowers. Blooming flowers connect to the expression of summer; the summer belongs to the heart in Chinese Medicine. Through flowers I found connection to a close friend and myself. The weight of my concerns lifted through engaging in creativity and sunlight. I hope you enjoy this just as much as I did.
Duration: 16 minutes